OFFICIAL TRL PROTEST TRL PROTEST SEPT 15 2005 This was posted in Weird World. Just passing on the news...

"Hey Everyone!
Thank you all for your support on the BSB protest at TRL on Thursday September 15th. Yes, I know there is confusion, but the date HAS been changed to the 15th because of security issues regarding September 11th and the fact that TRL is not tapes "live" on Fridays. I am sorry for any inconvenience or confusion this has caused. But the protest is still on. In addition to protesting at TRL (the exact time is still trying to be figured out) we would like to get some people to come protest with us at the Today Show so that we can get more media attention. There are also people working on getting z100 involved as well as other forms of media. And, I am so happy to say that our protest has begun to give others the idea of protesting in other cities in the United States as well as other countries. I am so proud of the BSB fans!

We are still trying to get more people interested because at this point we have about 20 people who have said they are coming. Our goal is 50 but if we can only get 20 we will go with 20. The important thing is to know that BSB have fans out there that are willing to fight for them. So, if you are having doubts because you dont think anyone will show up, there will be someone there. Even if it is just me! lol. No I'm kidding. I have faith in all the Backstreet Boys fans that we can come together for a day and show our support. Remember: if we do a good job of getting media attention the boys will find out in some way shape or form. So we want to make them proud. That is, if they havent already found out yet! Considering this is the backstreet boys world and news travels at the speed of light, I'm pretty sure they have! lol.

We are still trying to find people to help us out. I have gotten poster and flyer ideas from several people who cannot make it but want to help out and unfortunately, am not able to print them out because my printer is acting up. If you are going to the protest and can help us out by printing these out please do so. Email me at and I will send them to you. They are wonderful. If you are not going and would still like to help out that would be great aswell. Thank you in advance.

There are also people asking if they can have a poster made for their area or country so that TRL knows that it is not just the people protesting that are outraged by this but fans in other states and countries as well. So, if anyone can volunteer to make these signs please do so. Again, email and I will send you the locations.

We also need just regular signs for BSB so if you can please do so and if possible make signs for other fans as well. Some people arent able to make signs because of their schedule but are still willing to come out and support us so we gotta give them a hand for that! Remember we have to show support for SPHYNKTER as well!

I created a poll on Weird World to let the BSB fans decide what they want the protesters to wear and basically, BSB shirts are winning by a landslide. IF you are part of WW and would like to vote for another color please do so. I wish we could all dress up as SPHYNKTER fans but a lot of people dont want to! lol. But it would be unique. It is BSB fans that are becoming a part of this and I want them to have some input in the final results. The fans can wear both home made and authentic BSB shirts that way if they do not have shirts they are still a part of this. I also have many BSB shirts so if you are planning to attend and need a shirt please email and let me know and you can wear it for the day and keep it. This will be on a first come first serve basis as I cannot give EVERYONE a shirt.

Anyone who is interested in coming please send an email to and let us know so that we can get a headcount. And if you have any friends who you can bring please do so. Even if they arent the biggest BSB fans. We have more strength in numbers so please get everyone you possibly can involved.

We are also trying to get the media involved so whether or not you live in the NYC area please let your local radio stations know about the plans BSB fans have for the 15th of September. The more people we get involved the better chance we have of getting our voices heard.
If they would like to get involved or support BSB they can also email and we can make a poster or somethang saying that their radio station supports BSB. lol. Kind of weird but they may become a part of it to get exposure.

Last but not least, I would like to BEG everyone to send this around to your groups, messageboards, chatrooms, friends, anyone. Because of the change in datethere is much confusion and we need everyone to show up the same date. Not two small groups but one large one on THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 15th. So please, pass this announcement along. I know it is long but as long as the protesters get the date right were going to be alright. Like I said, I am begging you, possibly more than Nick has been begging people at the concerts to vote for the video. We are doing this for BSB and we need all the support we can possibly get.

If you are not able to attend please spread the news and on September the 15th vote your butts off on TRL even if you haven't been voiting. ,br> Call them up over and over. Call the radio stations and tell them to watch TRL. Call everyone you can even if it is Eddie at Papa Johns.
lmao. Sorry, this announcement is long it needed a joke. Please support us, even if it is just in your thoughts. We need as much positivity as possible on this day.

Once again, any comments, concerns, questions, ideas, or for any other reason please email Please also let us know if you are coming. Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this, I know it is long but this is for BSB!


I am so proud of the BSB fans for uniting on this! Lots of love to you all!"